So semer am morge früeh los gfahre ond hend die halbstönndig fahrt öber eus loh esch sehr sehr wällig gseh, do esch au eus beidne e bezli onwohl i de Buchgägend worde..
To get to Great Keppel Island you need to go on a catamaran and drive out to the open sea for approx. half an hour.
We left early in the morning. It was a really windy day so there were a lot of waves so that even we got a bit a troubled stomach.
Uf Great Keppel acho hemmer 1 Stond ziit gha d'Insle uskontsschafte..näbsteme Resort ondeme Shop heds ned vell zgseh gää hemmer die Stond gnötzt ond send bez as Meer abeghöckled ond hend chli ometoornet :)/ Arrived on Great Keppel we had one hour to explore the island. Next to the resort and a small shop was nothing special ond the island so we went back to the beach to relax and had some fun.
Do no es Beld vo de Feschfüetterig-->
After we spent that hour on the island we went out to the reef on a glassbottom boat.
Here a picture from the fishfeeding-->
For lunch we had a really nice aussie-bbq on the catamaran.
Am Nomitag eschs met volle Büüch weder ofs Reff usegange ond mer send met samt Schnorchel, Brölle ond Flosse usgröschtet is Meer gomped ond hend die wonderschön Onderwasserwält vom Great Barrier Reef erkondigt. Mer hen honderti vo verschedne Fesch ond Koralle -Arte gseh.
Zom Abschloss hemmer eus den no vome Netz im Wasser hendenoche lo schleppe: Boomnetting! Asträngend aber hed mega fun gmacht./ In the afternoon we went back to the reef with full stomachs. With snorkel, glasses and fins we jumped into the sea and got the chance to dive in the underwater world of the Great Barrier Reef. We saw hundreds of fish and coralls. In the end we jumped back into the water and towed in a net: Boomnetting! Was exhausting but fun.