Freitag, 20. April 2012

°Hobbiton 20.4.12°

Do gsed mer s erste mol werom de Peter Jackson Neuseeland als Dreiort för Herr der Ringe usgsuecht hed. / Here you can see why Peter Jackson chose New Zealand to film the Lord of the rings movies
De original Dreiort vo Hobbingen, dete wo d'Trilogie afangt ond den au ändet. Genau wies im 1999 ufbout worde esch stohts höt no. Begebahr esches aber noni so lang, set ca. 2007. wäge de Dreharbeite för d Vorgschecht vo de Felme (The Hobbit) esch Ändi 2011/Afangs 2012 weder gschlosse gse. Föteli darf mer erst set em 30. Januar 2012 is Internet stelle/ The original set from Hobbiton, the place where the trilogie begins and ends. Exactly how it was built in 1999. Open for the public since about 2007. Because of the filming of "The Hobbit" it was closed in the end of 2011/beginning of 2012. 

Alles esch sehr detailgetreu und zemlech härzig gschtaltet ond mer hed s Gfühl es chönti jede Momänt en Hobbit useme Hüsli usecho/ Everything is very true to the detail and very authentic and it was like a hobbit could walk out of a house every second
De Peter Jackson hed alles ganz genau nochem Buech vom J.R.R. Tolkien lo boue, dorom heds au am Wasser 5 Hüsli obwohl mer im Felm nor 3 defo gsed. Das nor wel im Buech stod es heigi 5 Hüsli am Wasser ond wenn öber seit, es hed im Felm nor 3 den chan är säge, jop aber in werklechkeit hets wörkli 5!   /   Peter Jackson built everything exaclty after the book from J.R.R. Tolkien, this is why there are 5 houses at the lakeside eventhough you can only see the 3 houses in the movies, just that he can say: Well yes in the movie are just 3, but in real there are 5.

Wonderschöni ussecht of s Seeli met de Möhli ond em Green-Dragon Pub (wo den vorallem im The Hobbit werd vorcho). / Beautiful view over the lake, the Mill and the Green-Dragon Inn (which will be important in the Hobbit)

Do esch eini vom Leandro sine Lieblengsszene dreiht worde. Dete wo de Gandalf met em Bilbo am Pfiffe rauche send ond de Bilbo es Rengli id loft lod lo stige ond de Gandalf es scheff us Rauch dördöre Bloset. Die ganz Szene spelt während em Sonneontergang. Detail: In Neuseeland god d Sonne of de andere Siite onder. Also hend si ganz früeh mösse ufstoh ond die ganz Szene be Sonneufgang mösse dreihe. /This is where one of Leandros favourite scenes was filmed: Gandalf and Bilbo are smoking a pipe, then Bilbo blows a ring in the air and Galdalf blows a Ship of smoke through the ring. Detail: The whole scene plays during sunset, but the sun sets in the opposite direction, so they had to get up early and film the whole thing during sunrise.

Zwöi grossgwachsnigi Hobbits (zumindest eine defo ;-))     Two tall Hobbits (at least one of them ;-))

Sam Gamdschies Huus / Sam Gamgees home
Frodo und Bilbos Beutlins Huus/ Frodo and Bilbo Baggins home

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