Samstag, 5. Mai 2012

°Franz Josef Glacier + Fox Glacier 29.4.-1.5.12°

Do om die Gletscher ome hemmer den s'erscht mol de chalti Herbst en Neuseeland zgspröre becho ond au s'allerersti mol Schnee uf eusem Trip gseh. Zom eus am Obe ame chli ufzwärme hemmer die "Ovaltine" kauft, die esch aber leider nome halb so guet wie die orginial Ovi! 
Near the glaciers we first got to know the cold autumn in New-Zealand and saw snow for the  first time on our trip. To warm up in the cold evernings we bought "Ovaltine" but unfortunately it tastes not even close as good as the original one from switzerland.

 Om zom Gletscher zcho hemer zerscht mösse dor en Wald laufe ond send den aschliessend ufen grossi Flächi volle met Stei cho. Ahand vo de "Moräne" hed mer gseh wie wiit sech de Gletsche scho zrogg beldet hed.
To get to the glacier we had to walk through forest to get to this huge plane full of rocks. Because of the moraine you could see how much the glacier melt back over the last decades.

Trotz em ned so tolle Wätter esches gliich wonderschön gseh/ Even tough the weather wasnt that good  it still was very beautiful.

 Fox Glacier: De wältwiit einizgi Gletscher wo grad a Rägewald gränzt.

Fox Glacier: The worlds only glacier which is next to the rainforest

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