Samstag, 19. Mai 2012


Christchurch: Letschti Stop in Neuseeland/ Last stop in New-Zealand.

S'ganze Stadtzentrum esch dor die zwe Ärdbäbe em Johr 2011 total zersört worde. Met Gitter ond zom Teil militärischischer Bewachig werd secher gstellt das niemert dor die instabile Gebäude verletzt werd.
The whole City-centre has been distroyed because of the two earthquakes in 2011.It is shut with fences and military security to make sure nobody gets injured from the still instabile buildings.

Do velli Gschäft em City-Center zersört worde send hend si eme chliine Egge vo de Stadt en Kontainer-Shopping-Stross ufbout. Det heds paar Boutique, Bank, Post ond paar nätti Restaurant ond Cafes.
Es dönt vellecht chli komisch aber es esch werklech mega schön gmacht.
Because a lot of shops have been destroyed they set up a small container-retail-shopping street. They have somne boutiques,  bank, post office some restaurants and cafes.
Sounds a bit weird but it's actually really pretty.

Do mer no kei Kiwi (Vogel) gseh hend ond dä nachtaktiv esch ond sehr schwerig zgfende esch semmerne halt em Zoo go sueche.
Näbem Kiwi hemmer au no die andere 4 typisch neuseeländische Tier gseh.

We hadn't seen a Kiwi (bird) yet so we dicided to have a look in the zoo.
We also saw the other 4 new-zealand icons.
Esch kuul gseh nomol Kängurus zgseh/ Was nice to see kangaroos again


Ond do hemmer ne den äntlech entdeckt.
Imene Huus för nachtaktivi Tier..escher den do chli ometröttled.
And finally we spotted him. In a nocturnal house.

Aaach ond die drüü send eifach nor schnuugig gseh/ Aaach and those three fellows were just so cute

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