Dienstag, 29. Mai 2012

*Sydney 19.5.-31.5.12*

Als Abschloss vo üsere  onglaubleche Reis semmer no uf Sydney. Näbem packe ond letschti Souvenir-Gschänkli chaufe hemmer no es betzli Ziit gha om d'Stadt sälber azluege. Do es paar ersti Idröck: / The final stop ond our incredible journey was Sydney. Beside the packing and buying souvenir-presents we still had some time to see the city itself. Here some first impressions:

The Opera House
 Es onglaublech schöns Gebäude ond es super Objekt zom fötele, mer händ fast nömme wölle ufhöre Föteli mache... / A wonderful building and a perfect object to take pictures of. We didn't want to stop taking pictures...

 Ond grad näbe dra d Harbour-Bridge ond au do esches schwerig gse ufhöre Fötelis z mache / Right next to the Opera House is the Harbour Bridge and we didn't want to stop taking pictures here as well

Devils Delight- Pancakes on the Rocks

Bondi Beach

 Bondi Beach, es absoluts Sufer-Mekka. För eus esches nomol schön gse, de Strand in Australie es letzts mol z gniesse. Es guets alts Sprechwort vo do seit: "Life is a beach", för eus esch s Läbe definitiv en Strand gse, amel för die letzte 8.5 Mönet.../ Bondi Beach, a surfer hotspot. For us it was nice to see the Australian beaches once again. A good old saying is: "Life is a beach" and for us, it totally was, at least for the last 8.5 months...

Vivid Festival

 Es Festival wo met Liecht ond Musig schaffet. Die ganz Innestadt esch belüchted gse ond a felne orte esch Musig im enstprächende Stil vo de Belder ade Wänd gloffe. / A festival that works with light and music. The big parts of the city were enlighted and underlined with music.

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