Dienstag, 29. Mai 2012

°It's Time To Say Goodbye°

Soo eusi Liebe, das eschs Ändi vonere lange lange Reis as andere Ändi vode Wält, womer en Ibleck i drüü wonderschöni Länder becho hend. I dene 8.5 Mönet hemmer ned nome euses Änglisch verbesseret, sondern mer nämid ganz vel Läbeserfahrig met ufe Wäg. Mer händ veli onglaublechi Lüüt kenneglehrt ond wärded jede einzelni vermesse ond nie vergässe. Velech chrüützed sech eusi Wäge jo eines Tages weder... Mer hend eus au no be allne wele ganz härzlech bedanke, well jede vo euch hed üsi Reis noeinisch meh zomene einmalige Erläbnis gmacht.

Hey dear friends, this is the end of an incredible  and long journey to the other end of the world, where we were able to explore three beautiful countries. During this 8.5 months we did not only improve our english, but also do we take a lot of life experience with us. We got to know a lot of amazing and lovely people. We will miss each of you and we will never forget you. Maybe our ways will cross again in the future. 
We wanted to say thank you, because each of you made our trip more to a once in a lifetime experience.

Isabel & Leandro

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