Samstag, 19. Mai 2012

°Fiji 12.5.-19.5.12.°

Noch dem mer die 1. Nacht no uf de Hauptinsle in Nadi verborcht hend, esches den am Sonntig Morge meteme Cruise Boot los gange. Mer send ca 1 1/2h onterwägs gseh, bes mer uf eusem chliine Insel-Pardis acho. 
After we spent the first night on the main island in Nadi we went on a 1 1/2 hour cruise to our little island-paradise.

Matamanoa Island Resort

mmmhmm Welcome-Drink

Beachfront Bure

S'Ässe em Hotel esch de absoluti hammer gseh. Mer send met vell frösche Meeresfröchte ond lokale Spezialitäte verwöhnt worde.
The food in the hotel was absoluteli amazing. They enchanted us with lots of fresh seafood and local delicatesses.

Crepe Suzette
Fiji Beer


Am 2. Obig hemmer teil ame "Crab-Race" gnoh. Dodezue hemmer mösse en Chrabbe esteigere, dos en schwiizer Chrabbe (Federer) gha hed hemmer notürlech die gnoh. D'Chrabe send den id Metti vome Chreis gsetzt worde ond send los krabbled..was mer ned dänkt hätted..mer send 3. worde ond hend ganzi $79 gwonne:)

On the 2nd evening we took part in a "Crab-Race". It started with an auction for the crabs. Of course we took the swiss one (Federer). They then were placed in the middle of a circle and started crabbing around. What wi didn't expected was that we won 3rd place with the price money of $79.

Was mech seehr seehr vell Närve kostet hed esch s'Chorb flächte gseh. Mer hend dodezue es "Palmeblatt" gnoh ond gflächtet. Was am Afang zemlech eifach gseh esch, esch gäge Schloss emmer komplizierter worde.

What definately cost a lot of nervs was the "basket-waving". For that we waved a "palmleave". What started quite easily got very complicated in the end.

Am Ändi hed dä Chorb den so usgseh.

That's how the basket looked at the end.
De Leandro hed den bem "Löffel-Tauche" met gmacht ond met ganze 22 ond eme Schlössel vome andere Gast gwonne/  Leandro took part in the "spoon-diving" and won with 22 spoons and a key from an other guest.

Castaway Island
Die meischte kenned de Felm "Castaway" metem Tom Hanks ond em "Wilson". Do Castaway Island nor 30 Minute vo Matamanoa empfärnt esch semmer det au no go verbii luege./ The most of you know the movie "Castaway" starring Tom Hanks and "Wilson". Castaway Island is only 30 minutes away from Matamanoa, so we hopped over and had a look at it.

Last Evening

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