Freitag, 20. April 2012

°Black Abyss Waitomo 21.4.12°

Black Water Rafting ide Waitomo Caves: Das esch eusi Groppe gse, dezue send no die 2 Tourguides cho. No Völlig unwissend ond troche semmer do gse ond hend noni ganz gnau gwösst was eus erwartet./ Black Water Rafting in the Waitomo Caves: This was our group without our two tourguides. Completely dry and unaware what is going to happen with us.

Do esch s erste mol Närvekitzel ufcho. Mer hend eus mösse Abseile, ond ned öbe 10 Meter en Klippe durab, nei 35m dören chline Schaft vo öbe 1,5m2 Dorchmässer. En super Erfahrig gseh / The first thrilling moment, an abseil but not only 10m down a cliff, no. 35m through a 1.5m2 hole. A quite nice experience.

 Sobald mer den im Donkle gse send heds en ersti Verpflegig gä, heissi Schoggi ond Cookies. Den hemmer eus Schwemmreng gschnappt ond den hemmer is iischalte Wasser chöne inegompe. Ond es esch wörkli iiiischalt gseh, weniger als 10°C. /As soon as we were in the complete dark we had our first snack, hot chocolate and some cookies. Then we took the floting rings to jump into the icy water, and it was really icy, less than 10 degrees.
Den hemmer sones Schwemmreihe gmacht ond send dör de Ontererdisch floss tribe worde ond hend die vele tusigi Glüehwörmli gse, es esch wie en Stärnehemmel gse, wonderschön zom aluege. / Then we built this row to float throuhg the underground river and we saw thousands of gloworms, it looked like the stars in a clear night, just beautiful. 

Den hemmer eus dörs Hole of rebirth quetscht, grad mol ei person hed dete ofs mol döremöge. Zom glöck semmer beidi so schlank ;-) / Then we tried to get through the hole of rebirth, just one person at the time fits through. Thank god  we are both lithe and lissom ;-)

Zom Schloss hemmer den no öber 3 Wasserfäll mösse frei Chlätere bis mer den weder am Tagesliecht gse send. / In the end we had to free-climbe 3 waterfalls to get back to the daylight.
Öberläbt!!! Chli chalt esches scho worde zom teil, zom Glöck send die Wetsuits zemli deck, ond die heiss Soppe ond die warm Duschi hed den no de Räst vode Chälti vertrebe / Survived!!! It got a little bit cold sometimes, but fortunately the wetsuits were pretty good and the hot soup and the warm shower did the rest at the end.

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