Bevor mer uf Cairns ine send, hemer no en Abstächer noch Port Douglas gmacht. Das esch es mega schöns Feriedörfli met vellne Shöps ond Restaurant. Hätted mer nochli länger Ziit gha wäredmer nochli länger blobe.
Before we went to Cairns we made our way up to Port Douglas. Which is a pretty little town with lots of shops and restaurants. If we would have had more time we had stayed longer.
Ussecht uf Port Douglas abe/ View to Port Douglas |
Cape Tribulation esch bekannt do deför das de Rägewald ofs Reff trefft. Leider chamer do obe au ned go bade wells vell Qualle ond au Salzwasserkrokodil hed. Was sehr schad esch, do s'Meer wonderschön usgseht./ On the second day we did a daytrip to Cape Tribulation. To get there we had to cross the river in the Daintree National Park by a tiny little ferry ($22). Cape Tribulation is famous for the meeting of rainforest and reef. Unfortunately you can't swim up here because the ocean is full with stingers and saltwater-crocs. Which is such a shame cause the water looks just beautiful.
Am gliche Tag semer no i Daintree National Park. Meh seit das segi de ältischti Rägewald uf Ärde. Mer send det ines Centrum ine, wo mer per audioguide dör de Rägewald gfüehrt worde send ond hend ganz vell öber Flora ond Fauna erfahre.
On the same day we went to the Daintree National Park. It is said to be the oldest rainforest on earth. We spent some time in the centrum where we were guidedwith an audioguide threw the forest and learnt a lot about flora and fauna.
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