Mittwoch, 18. April 2012

°New Zealand- The North Land 16.4.-18.4.12°

Noch 8 Stond am Floghafe omesetze (Cairns), 5 1/2 Stond flüüge ond ere Gepäckskontrolle semmer den hondsmüüed am Morge am halbi 6i in Auckland glandet. Mer hend eus den s'nöchste Hotel gsuecht ond hend den mol de ganz Tag dörepfuused. 
Am andere Morge hemer den euse neu super Fletzer abgholt. Send den sofort rechtig Norde gfahre ond onderwägs no gos Nötigste ichaufe. Am Obe hemmer eus den weder mol rechtig mösse irechte ond jedes Deng hed den sin Platz gfonde./ After 8 hours sitting around at the airport (Cairns), 5 1/2 hours flight and a luggage controll we finally arrived completely exhausted early in the morning at Auckland Airport. We looked for the closest hotel and slept threw the whole day.
The next morning we picked up our new "racing-machine". We immediately drove direction north and did some grocerie-shopping. In the evening we made ourself comfortable and anything found its place.

The Northland
Do mer leider ned eso vell Ziit hend, hemmer the nörlechi Teil vo de NordInsle sehr schnell gmacht.
Am Zieschtig semer a nördlechsti Ponkt vo Neuseeland gfahre. Det hed mer en wonderschöne Usbleck ufs Meer use. Das esch de Ponkt wo de Pazifik of s'Tasmanische Meer trefft. D'Natur em Norde esch sehr wächselhaft. Mer gseht vo Schwiizer-Chuewiise, ändloos lange Stränd, öber dechte Rägewald ond Sanddüüne Alles.
Because we have just limited time we had a little bit of a rush with the very north part of the north island.
On tuesday we drove to the northest point of New-Zealand. There we had a great view over the ocean. That's the point were the pacific meets the tasman sea. The landscape is very changeable. You can see meadows with cows, endless beaches, rainforest and sanddunes.

 Cape Reinga

Feels like Home :)

Bay of Islands

Dä Kauri Baum em Waipoua Forest esch met 51,51 meter de höchsti Kauri Baum en ganz Neuseeland. Vo de Maori werd är "Gott des Waldes" gnennt.
This Kauri-tree in the Waipoua forest is with 51,51 meters the highest Kauri-tree in whole New-Zealand. The Maoris named it "God of the Forest".

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