Montag, 9. April 2012

°Scenic-Flight over the Whitsundays and the Great Barrier Reef°

Ned nor hemmer s'Great Barrier Reef vom Boot us welle gseh, sondern au us de Loft. Met dem chliine Flügerli wo met Pilot för 5 Persone Platz hed semer den 1 Stond omegfloge. Es eimaligs Erläbnis!

Because we've already seen the Great Barrier Reef from the boat we also wanted to see it from the air. With this little airplane which has space for 5 persons including the pilot we flew for one hour out to the reef. An unforgettable experience!

Airlie Beach

Whitehaven Beach 

Heart-Reef:Wältwiit bekanntesti Reffformation/ World's most famous reefformation

De Leandro hed es wonderschöns Video us alle beste Belder ond Videos vo dem Tag erstellt. Leider esch d'Datei zgross zom ufelade..mer wärdets euch den aber söscht emole zeige. Zom i die rechtig Stemmig cho..losed das Lied onde dezue:


Leandro has made a beautiful clip with pictures and videos from this day. Unfortunately the file is too big to upload..To get into the right mood..listen to this song:


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