Sonntag, 6. Mai 2012

*Mount Cook 5.5.-6.5.-12*

Mount Cook 3754m: Was be eus s Matterhorn esch, esch in Neuseeland de Mount Cook. Notürlech hemmer eus das ned loh entgoh ond norscho d fahrt zom Bärg esch atemberaubend gse. / What the Matterhorn is in Switzerland, is in New Zealand the Mount Cook. And of course we took our chance to go there. And even the ride out there was worth while and breathtaking.

Of de Fahrt chond mer a mehrere See ond au Stausee verbii met ere wonderschöne Bärgkulisse im Hentergrond. / During the ride we passed lots of lakes and even some dams

Ofem wäg zom Tasman-Gletscher hed sech die Ebeni ufto, wonderschön. / On the walk to the Tasman-Glacier we saw this beautiful plaine

Vom Gletscher gsed mer ned wörkli vell, nor en schmale wiise Strech oberhalb vode Wasseroberflächi, das esch, wel alles vo Stei bedeckt esch, zomendest de ondersti Teil. In wörklechkeit esches de grössti Gletscher in Neuseeland. Zom verglech: de Aletschgletscher (grössti ide Schwiiz) esch 23km lang, de Tasman Gletscher esch 27km lang ond bes zo 3km breit. / You cannot see a lot of the glacier from here, but the thin white line above the waterlevel is it. The last bit of the glacier is covered with stones. It is the largest glacier in Newzealand, 27km long and up to 3km wide.

Iisbärge im See grad onderhalb vom Gletscher/ Icebergs in the lake just below the glacier
Monschein öber de Bärge/ Moonlight over the mountains

Ond do escher den ändlech gse, womer den so dete gstande send hemmer mösse säge, naja. Hed chli öbis vom Pilatus aber so spektakulär esches ned gse (Warschindli send mer Schwiizer wens om Bärge god eifach chli verwöhnt :-) ) Trotzdem esches en wonderbare Tag gse ond met allne Bärge rondome semmer glich no es Ziitli höckle blobe ond hend s ganze of eus lo werke
And there it was, Mt. Cook. When we stood there it was not that special, I guess we are a little bit spoilt with beautiful mountains in Switzerland. But still it was a beautiful day and we sat down and let the landscape seek in.

Church of the good shepherd. En süessi chlini Chele met wonderschönem Usbleck of e Lake Tekapo / A beautiful little church with a magnificant view over the lake Tekapo

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